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Here's how to find beta readers to review your manuscript
Beta readers are someone who willing to review your final manuscript. Make sure your manuscript gets reviewed before getting it published.
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4 Advantages of Self-Publish Your Children's Book
Still confuse what method to publish your book? Maybe you could try self-publish it, here are 4 advantages of self-publish you should know.
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Type of Children's Book
Different type of children's book gives different attention & feedback to its readers. Here are 3 types of children's books you must know.
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Tips Making a Presence on Social Media
Using social media you could start introduce yourself as an author to people whether its your targeted reader or fellow authors. Here's how
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What is Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) by Amazon ?
Many authors have started their way selling books through Amazon, have you? To start off, here's what you should know about Amazon
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